
Day started with heavy work – taking the wattle I knocked over to the bonfire. With some coaching from Jon, I attached a chain to the base of the downed tree and ran it to the other chains at the top of the slasher. The tree came along easily and no adventure.

Then slashing the second paddock. No adventure there, either. Nothing knocked over. Confidence is building. I also found that if I ever get close to a fence, I can raise the bucket, essentially shortening the tractor by not having it stick way out in front. I’m careful that I don’t get it stuck in trees, and I position it so I can see under it to the ground, ever watchful for rocks. Again, a confidence building technique.

Shelly got to see another echidna close up. I was at the side of the road, nearly to the path that leads to the large bird pen. It is so much fun to hear her talk to the native animals. She has a particular voice she uses with animals. It seemed to work, as she was able to get very close to the echidna for pictures.

A bird died today. Jamie noticed that it was no moving, seemed to be having fits, and the other birds were pecking at it. We isolated it, but not soon enough. We have the rest of the birds on preventative medicine for a week.

There were seven eggs today: three from pen #1, three from pen #3, and one from pen #1. This is the most eggs we’ve gotten in a day. Always a good sign.

The house is very close to the trees, close enough that we get a lot of bird noise in the evening. Here is what it sounds like.

Lots to do tomorrow with the birds, and more paddocks to slash.